Though this post may seem irrelevant to my blog, I really want to highlight the importance of living in a chemical-free home, in addition to helping you discover how you can substitute dangerous chemicals with essential oils and natural ingredients.
I cannot imagine myself working in a cluttered room. Some people do not care if the bed is tidy or not, or if their desk is covered with papers, old coffee cups, or dried-out pens! They just go on doing their work.
However, I just cannot!

Copyright: belchonock
While cleaning is a daily task, thoroughly cleaning and reorganizing my home is something I enjoy doing in spring. I also try to add new elements to my home, something I like to call a mini-makeover. Things like a new piece of furniture, or maybe a new tablecloth would do the job.
But why spring cleaning your home and office is so important?
Benefits of Spring Cleaning for Your Health
- Boost your productivity: a tidy desk, or kitchen, or just any room, in general, helps you organize your thoughts and think more quickly.
- Cleaning may not seem fun but eventually, will make you happy when you are done.
- It reduces stress and makes you feel better.
- Save your time! How many times have you lost things just because your closet is in a big mess? Tidy your room and you will notice that you no longer waste your time searching for missing things.
- Reduces allergy symptoms especially that allergies are rife during spring.
- What was lost will be found again!
- Think of it as an exercise, you will burn calories while you are cleaning 🙂
- Spring cleaning means good mental health.
When it comes to the cleaning process, choosing cleaning products could be hard in a world full of chemicals. Well, I got some help from Simply Earth who sent me their spring cleaning essential oil recipe box for review.

Simply Earth essential oil recipe box is a great way to explore and try out different essential oils every month (you can also subscribe to receive a box every 3 months, or just try it once). What I like most about this subscription box is that it comes with all you need to make the recipes. Recipes are also included in the box, and each box has a different theme. This box was the Spring Cleaning box.
Here is what I received …
- Lemon essential oil
- Balsam fir essential oil
- Cinnamon essential oil
- Tea tree essential oil
- Two spray bottles
- Window microfiber cloth and a cleaning microfiber cloth
- 6 Recipe cards
- Ultrasonic Oil diffuser (a diffuser for smaller spaces that can also work to moisten the air with water)
What is an oil diffuser used for?
As essential oils have so many benefits for your health, so do oil diffusers.
Oils diffusers can help relieve stress, give your home a pleasant smell without the risk of damaging your health, powerful anti-bacterial (think tea tree oil), fight fungus, and help you breathe easier.
My Thoughts
Simply Earth essential oils make it so simple, even for a beginner; to make the recipes, they provide you with instruction cards that you can easily do at home. They also include all you need like spray bottles, and even stickers to label each spray bottle.
Oil Diffuser
This is my favorite! I enjoyed mixing different kinds of essential oils, and turned my home into a spa!
Tub and Tile Scrub
This is the first time I try a DIY recipe for cleaning the tile grout in the bathroom. I used to use chlorine, which was harsh and caused eczema flares, but now, I prefer using a mixture of baking soda and essential oils as in the Simply Earth DIY recipe card:
- 1/2 cup Baking soda
- 1/2 cup salt
- 10 drops Lemon essential oil
- 10 drops Tea tree essential oil
- 5 drops Fir essential oil
- Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl.
- Apply to a sponge and scrub the dirt away on grout, tile, and tub.
See the difference….?!

Natural Room Spray
This is a simple recipe for refreshing your home, once again, all you need is included in the box, so all you have to do is to mix the ingredients and fill in the spray bottle, which I should mention is of a good quality.
Garbage Pail Pods
I was curious about this one, you know in summer garbage may smell so bad, even if you empty the garbage pail every day. This recipe is so helpful because it helps dispel odors.

Other recipes that I am planning to try out during spring cleaning in the following few weeks are furniture polish and surface cleaner.
Nothing can boost your mood better than a clean and well-organized house that smells nice.
Simply Earth essential oils will help you spring clean your home using natural ingredients. You can try it once with free shipping, order once every three months, or every month, and you can always pause or cancel your subscription anytime. Click here to subscribe.
A solid spring cleaning improves the air quality of your home and makes you feel better. With a clean house, your mood will improve and you’ll be open to welcoming visitors.
Great post!
Yes, indeed. Thank you!