While taking care of the skin is essential, you must never start following every other advice you hear from a friend or read on the internet. There is a lot of skin care information that is nothing more than a myth.
Following are the seven greatest myths circulating in the beauty world that need immediate debunking
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1. Regular use of Toner
Washing, toning, and moisturizing are considered the three essential steps when it comes to an ideal skin care routine. While toning is great for the skin, following it every time you wash your face can have an opposite effect on your skin. Instead of controlling the amount of oil produced by the skin, it can increase the oil production. Therefore, washing and moisturizing are the ideal steps to follow for glowing skin.
2. Excessive Cleansing
The second greatest myth concerning skin care is that you must cleanse your skin twice a day. However, this is not the ideal condition. Cleansing once, before going to bed, should be enough for healthy skin.
3. The More, the Better
Most people think that using a greater amount of a product will bring them better results. This is not true. If the product tells you to use a dime, there is no point in using a quarter. It can backfire.
4. Leaving on Masks for Longer
Another great beauty myth is about the time for applying masks. Many people think that leaving the mask on for longer periods of time will give them better results. However, it only makes things worse by robbing you of the natural oils in your skin.
5. Using a Foundation with SPF
It is a common myth that if you use a foundation that has SPF, there will be no need for you to wear sunscreen. The truth, however, is that a foundation with SPF cannot replace a sun block. You need a sun block for proper protection against the harmful ultraviolet rays.
6. If it works for them, it will work for you
If you think that a product that has worked for your friend will also work for you, then you are quite wrong. Everyone has a different genetic makeup and different skin type. Even people with the same skin type will find the same product having different results for them. Therefore, always use a product that suits you instead of running after whatever is working for other people.
7. Remove Blackheads by Extraction
Blackhead removal using the extraction method is often considered to be the standard procedure. However, squeezing your skin to remove the blackheads may not be the best method. Instead, you should go for chemical peels, which are gentle in comparison and may cause much less damage to the skin. Squeezing out a blackhead will leave the pore open, which will be filled back with oils. This will result in another blackhead. Using retinol can be a good way of dealing with blackheads.
Now that so many of your misconceptions have been cleared, you can take better care of your skin. Having the essential knowledge is the first step to being able to treat your skin in a better way. You can also use DIY organic skin care products to keep your skin healthy.
Thanks for shedding some light onto these myths. I would have thought that the best way to get rid of blackheads is to squeeze them but I guess the peel does make a lot of sense. I’ll keep that in mind! Thanks for sharing!
Hello,I read this post,it gives great tips and useful knowledge,it is very useful to take care of your skin in winter and summer seasons.Good post,Thanks for sharing useful tips.
I am reading your article,it’s so helpful take care of your skin,the product is very useful for healthy and glowing skin,it reduces the sun spots and damage,and wrinkles.Thanks for Sharing this post.
Great source of information and thanks to share with us. Fantastic job.
Very informative blog with mind blowing tips working superb for me. Thank you so much for this blog.
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