*Guest post by Shannon Kingsley
Stretch marks are often associated with pregnancy however the truth is, anyone can get stretch marks during any rapid periods of growth. These can include weight gain, muscle gain, pregnancy, and even just going through puberty. Especially if you are genetically prone to having stretch marks.
What Exactly Are Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks are caused when the elastic layer of your skin tears during periods of weight gain. They can be all different sizes and lengths and generally start off as a reddish or purplish color. Then over time they generally fade to a silvery color. Stretch marks are commonly seen on the stomach, thighs, upper arms, and / or breasts. While there is nothing wrong with having stretch marks and they are far more common than you would think. We have included some tips to help you avoid stretch marks from occurring in the first place.
Maintain A Steady And Healthy Weight
When you gain weight, your skin stretches and if it stretches more than its elasticity, the elastic layer of your skin will tear and stretch marks will develop. However, there are situations when you can’t avoid this such as during pregnancy or puberty. If this is the case then focus on the things that you can control, like your skin health.
Keep Yourself And Your Skin Hydrated
While some skin moisturizing lotions work better than others to prevent stretch marks, they are generally a very good way of keeping your skin hydrated. Well-hydrated skin is healthy, supple and less prone to tearing. In addition to this, hydrating your skin from the inside out is even more important than what you do to the outside. Keep your skin cells healthy by drinking enough water every day. Try drinking around half of your body weight in ounces of water per day.
Exfoliate Or Use A Dry Brush
A dry brush has a long handle that will allow you to reach all areas of your body and it has a soft fiber brush. Just like exfoliating, dry brushing your skin will remove the dead skin cells on your body so your skin appears more vibrant, healthy and smooth. It also stimulates the oil glands which in turn could help you skin be more elastic.
Nourish Your Skin
Eating healthy means you are providing your body with sufficient vitamins and minerals to keep your skin nourished. Always include foods into your diet that are rich in Vitamins A, C and E such as tomatoes, mangoes, carrots, oranges, avocados, and nuts. These foods help in repairing damaged skin cells and promote the formation of new ones.
Although eating healthy, skin nourishing food is super important, engaging in physical activities can also really improve your skin health and, therefore, help to prevent stretch marks. Exercising helps you maintain a healthy weight and sweating during a workout or even just a session in the sauna can help you release unwanted toxins from your body. Exercising also encourages the production of collagen, which is the skin’s building block, responsible in keeping it strong and elastic.
Do you have any other tips to help avoid stretch marks, which were not mentioned above? We would love to hear from you in the comments below.
Shannon Kingsley loves all things outdoors such as hiking, camping, and bike riding. After her second child, Shannon was left with large stretch marks and is now passionate about helping others prevent and help reduce their own stretch marks. She can be found at cures for stretch marks
Photo by Andrew_Fisenko
My wife and daughter are so scared of stretch marks but thanks to moms advise, they follow a daily routine, and no stretch marks.
I had stretch marks and saw some tips like these that are so simple and thought they would not help me, on the contrary, I tried everything and it was in these basic tips and with some natural products with retinoic acid that I had the best results. including, on my site I talk about this acid. If possible take a look.
I’m two months post-pregnancy and ended up getting dermalmd stretch mark removal serum about a month ago it has significantly shrunk down and lighted my stretch marks I’ve been putting it on after showers and also a couple of times a day and I’m so happy I found this serum.