The year 2014 was a happy year full of success for my blog 🙂
I made some improvements in the design, my writing style, and tried some good products.
It was not easy to pick the best performing posts, but I tried to classify my posts into some major categories, and I chose the best of the best.
You may have read some of them, if you have not, click on the links provided below. You can also bookmark this page and read them later.
Best of Infographics
I love Infographics! They are informative, full of color, and display facts in a fun and easy way. The infographic “Your Ultimate Guide for Solving Large Pores Problem” Â got 77 repins on Pinterest, and feel free to repin it to one of your boards. Do you follow me on Pinterest? No, oh, visit my profile page; you will find lots of interesting boards to follow.
Best of Natural Products
In the year 2014, I tested many beauty products, some of which were great natural products, while few were not.
One of the best product reviews was written by my friend Allison, who tried Skinny Coconut oil, it is one of the best coconut oil products available in the market, read her review here.
Best of DIY’s
Since I started my blog, I wanted to make my own beauty products, and one of the serious problems that I managed to cure through homemade remedies, is eczema. In this post, I made my own whipped shea butter. Since then, I use it daily for soft hands and strong nails. You should always remember that skin care products used in summer differ from those in winter; in winter cold wind and hot water dry your skin, read this post for more details.
Best of Skin care Products
Dry skin, sun spots, fine lines, and acne. What if I tell you that there is an all-in-one cure for all of them! No, not magic; it is EXFOLIATION. Last year, I have tried some chemical peels, and I was impressed by the results I have achieved. Dr. Song Lactic Acid peel was the best lactic acid peel I have ever tried.
Best of Social Media
There were some major jumps in my social media accounts this year. Facebook was among them. From 930 Facebook likes in November up to 3160 likes at the end of 2014 😀 Visit my Facebook page, and invite your friends, too!
The year 2014 ended beautifully when I reviewed one of the products that I had wished to try; Michael Todd Soniclear, it is great for cleansing your skin, not only your face but your whole body. Whether it is dry skin, ingrown hair, or even removing makeup, it is a must-have beauty tool.
I tried to pick the best of the best, but I know there are other topics that could be added to this list. Which post would you suggest?
In the year 2015 I will do my best to write about new topics related to beauty. There will be more product reviews, and there will be two giveaways coming soon. Make sure to subscribe to my list via the pink box on the sidebar, because I will be announcing them very soon.
If you have a suggestion or a topic that you would like to read about, I would love to hear from you in the comments.
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Great “best of” list, Dima! And thank you again for mentioning me/my review <3 I'm so sad that my new Soniclear doesn't want to work. I charged it and it spun for a couple of seconds then died. Next, I unplugged it and try to replug it again to check the charge level and it's completely dead. The phone number on the box is disconnected! When I tweeted about it, they responded by saying they'd "look into it". So sad coz I'm dying to use it!
Allison recently posted…Evian Facial Spray: A Touch of France for Your Skin
Thank you too for being a loyal reader and commenter on my blog, Allison.
I am so sorry to hear that, was the light blinking while charging?