Back in time when I was in high school, I remember that the cleanser was the first skincare product that I have ever bought. I had very oily skin at that time. And I was eager to clean it and keep pimples away. However, hormones at that age played a significant role in bringing more and more pimples to my face, ah! Therefore, from now and then, I had to visit my dermatologist.
My first cleanser was from Neutrogena. It was perfect for my oily skin, and it helped wash away oil and dirt and kept my skin shine-free.
By the time I was in the mid-twenties, my skin had started to change from very oily to combination skin type, and my cheeks began to dry fast when using facial cleansers for oily skin. Therefore, I needed a product that can penetrate my pores, dissolves oil and dirt, and still does not irritate the rest of my face.
One day, when I was visiting a local pharmacy, I asked the pharmacist for a gentle yet effective cleanser. She handed me a few products, and Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1 was one of them.
There are several ingredients that I like about this product, including:
- Salicylic acid, which is one of the most effective antibacterial & exfoliating agents as it helps to purify skin deeply, getting rid of excess sebum and dead cells.
- Zinc, which helps reducing inflammation.
- Clay, which is good for getting rid of extra sebum.
While Garnier official site describes this product as ” Pure genius,” I was not expecting a miracle, just looking for the clean skin!
The description on the official site states
“Garnier blends more of nature’s best in this triple-tasking solution for oily skin prone to imperfections. Proven effective in dermatologist tests, it’s enriched with active ingredients like natural clay and zinc to absorb oil and improve skin tone. Whether you use it daily as a wash and scrub or weekly as a mask, you’ll call it Pure genius!”
How do I use Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1?
The product has a light texture that dissolves quickly in water when you wash it away. You can see the tiny blue particles in the picture below that makes this Garnier product suitable for scrubbing your face gently.
Using it as a wash and a scrub can be misleading ( see the instructions in the photo below) since when you either wash or scrub your face, you will massage using a circular motion.
Either in using it as a wash or scrub, I wet my face with warm water to open the pores (I sometimes do that while I am in the shower since the steam helps to open the pores). Then I apply a small amount to my whole face, massage gently for about 30 seconds, and then rinse with warm water and finish with cold water. I use it this way for 2-3 times a week.
I use Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1 as a mask once a week, I wet my face with warm water, apply Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1, use my fingers to massage in circular motion for few seconds and leave it on for around 3 minutes (less or more depending on the weather). Then I rinse with cool water.
What do I like about Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1?
- No irritation; I have never encountered any skin problems due to using it, even when used on a daily basis. Sometimes my cheeks get a little bit dry after cleansing my face with Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1, but that is normal when you use an exfoliator, and the best solution ever; is always moisturize after exfoliation.
- Gentle exfoliating agent, using pumice particles that are tiny have never irritated my skin. Yet, I avoid using it on a daily basis; I usually skip 2-3 times a week and use one of my DIY masks like yogurt mask or green tea, mint and honey mask.
- I need about half a teaspoon of Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1 to exfoliate my face and neck, so it lasts for a long time, and for $24, I believe it is a good bargain.
- It feels very refreshing when you wash it away since it contains menthol. And I like that fresh feeling afterward.
My overall experience
Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1 helps eliminate excess oil, reduces pimples appearing on my face, and cleans my pores.
Am I going to repurchase it?
Yes! I have already been using it for a while now.
What about you; what is your favorite cleanser? Have you ever used Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1? Are you planning to purchase it?
Great photos and review, Dima! Loved it!
Allison recently posted…Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipstick & Giveaway Winner
Thanks a lot, Allison!
Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Why should you Take your Makeup Off at Night, and How to? (Video of the Week)
Hi dima. How are you? Im not much familiar with garnier. I have worst experience with garnier products that’s why I don’t like garnier products but after reading your review about this product I want to give a second chance to garnier so I will buy it and told you what I discover.
Hi Hira,
I am fine, thanks!
Sorry for that, each has her unique skin needs, so I guess it is very difficult to find a skin care product that is good for all.
Tell us about your experience with Garnier once you try it!
Hi. I’m currently using Garnier Pure Active 3in1 so my concern is, I dont know what to apply after washing,scrubing and masking with it. i have a very oily skin with blackheads and i usually appear small sores like rash. Please please help me.
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Kind Regards, Ms Monatisa.
Hi Ms Monatisa,
Oily skin always needs extra care to keep it clean and avoid blackhead formation. I have combination skin with large pores and occasionally blackheads.
What I suggest is a simple three step skincare regimen that I personally follow:
1. Cleansing: use Garnier Pure Active 3 in 1 the way you are comfortable with, either as a wash, scrub, or a mask.
I personally avoid toner, it contains alcohol which will dry your skin, that will force your skin to produce more sebum, making your skin oily again.
2. Use a vitamin C serum: vitamin C serum is great for fighting free radicals (that are caused by pollution and sunlight), it also promotes the formation of new collagen,and lighten acne scars. I recommend using Mistaya Vibrance Vitamin C serum, or Foxbrim Moisturizing Vitamin C. If you haven’t used any vitamin C serum, Mistaya is a good choice for you since it has a gel consistency for easy application.
3. Moisturizing: Even oily skin needs moisturizing since cleansing will leave it dry in most cases. A light non greasy lotion or cream is the best. Try Foxbrim Complete Anti-Aging Moisturizer, I really love it for it moisturizes my skin without the greasy feeling. You may also use Radha Beauty Miracle Retinol (2.5%) Moisturizer.
The reason why I suggest retinol moisturisers is that retinol stimulates the cellular turnover from deep within the layers of your skin, it helps reduce wrinkles, cure acne, tighten pores, stimulate the production of collagen and fades age spots.
I used all products that I suggested here, and based on my own experience they do work for oily skin. In case they don’t, look for a lotion like moisturizer preferably one with antioxidants.
Hope I was helpful. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have further questions 🙂
Best regards,
Thanks for your respond. I wanna know where do I get those things you recommended for me?
Thank you.
Ms Monatisa
Where to get those products depend on where you live. I get those products that I recomended via
If you live outside USA it would be expensive, so I suggest asking the pharmacist for a moisturizer for oily skin, it should be a light cream or a lotion.
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Is it work on man’s skin…???
There is a whole set of Garnier skincare products for men. You can check them all at the Garnier official website.
Hello! I just bought the product this afternoon, and i am about to use it. However, i am unsure if do i still need to use toner after using this product? or is it suitable to use my TheBodyShop Seaweed Clarifying Toner? i’ve read another review where they said that if you use a strong toner before using this product, your skin will feel like it is burning, which caused me to be unsure as i’ve used toner after i shower which is when i’ve washed my face with other facial products.
Hi Samantha,
Using a toner after cleansing your skin should not be a problem unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients of either the cleanser or the toner.
If either product did not irritate your skin, it is then fine to use the Garnier Pure Active and then the TheBodyShop Seaweed Clarifying Toner.
OMG thank you so much! Trust me you explained perfectly exactly what I needed thankoo ???
You are welcome, Ritaj!
I am glad you have found what you are looking for 🙂
Hi dima , how are you? I hope fine.
I have just bought garnier pure active 3 in 1 well it’s my first cleanser it’s been 3 days since I started using it. I have combination skin and I get always pimples in my T zone . I’m using garnier pure active as a daily cleanser then I use a moisturizing cream from garnier too called “garnier creme bienfaisante ” the blue one . Can you tell me if this combination of products will have my skin? Or should I get another moisturizer?? Thank you ?
Hi Imene,
I am very well, thanks! What about you?
I am glad that you started a good skincare regimen, Garnier was my very first brand to try out when I started taking care of my skin.
Honestly, I have not seen “Garnier creme bienfaisante” in the market. Is it sold in France? It sounds like so.
Anyway, I googled it, and it looks like a good choice, recommended for all skin types.
There is no one rule for all when it comes to skincare. If you find that it moisturizes your skin without making it oily, then continue using it. But if your skin gets oily fast then I suggest switching to the “green Garnier creme”, the one for oily skin, especially that it contains green tea, which is great for oily skin.
Hope this helps 🙂
Let me know how it works for you 🙂
hy dima how r u im using garnier 3 in 1 pure actve but after using it my skiln gets dry and also i have a pimples and black spotes dose it affect it and what kind of moisturizer should l use and and can it help me to improve the dark spots and pimpels
ow and my gender is BOY not girle
Hi Biny,
You should be using a moisturizer each time you cleanse or exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating your skin tends to make it dry, and thus it will produce more oil, making your skin look oily and shiny fast.
I would suggest trying one of the Garnier moisturizers line made for men. They have a whole line designed for men.