Each time it gets cold, my skin starts to get dry, flaky, or itchy, sometimes all three together! That is annoying, and even sometimes painful, especially the itchy part. And what makes my situation worse, is that I can’t avoid using soap especially that I have four children, so I have to wash my hands a lot, whether I am preparing our meal, helping my little son washing his hands, or even giving one of them a bath. Soap is good for killing germs, but it hurts a lot when it touches the dry skin.
That is why we need to learn how to treat dry skin, so let us get started!
Photo credit: Flickr by robertjosiah
What is Dry Skin?
Our skin generates new skin cells on a regular basis. Dead skin cells should shed for new living skin cells to take place. If dead skin cells failed to shed, dead cells would accumulate on the surface of your skin, forming what we know as dry skin.
Why is Dry Skin Bad?
Since our skin is number one barrier, which fights bacteria, and environmental factors, having dry skin means that bacteria can sneak in easily causing inflammation. And itching your dry skin will cause small scratches, making the situation even worse.
Having dry skin does not only cause inflammation but also make your skin more prone to wrinkles; wrinkles appear more on the dry skin while moisturizing your skin make wrinkles less visible. That is why you should give your dry skin on your face the priority, to prevent the formation of tiny bad, ugly fine lines.
What causes Dry Skin on your Face?
1. Aging: this is number one factor that causes the skin to dry. Due to less oil generating in your skin, your skin will start to lose water faster, causing it to become dry and flaky. Not only that but also dryness makes skin less elastic causing more fine wrinkles to appear.
Solution: In your 30’s and beyond, you need to add a moisturizer with AHA’s ( Alpha hydroxy acids) to your skin regime to improve the elasticity of your skin and decrease dry skin occurrence on your face. AHA’s natural home remedies are a clever way to do that.
2. Genes can be another cause of the formation of dry skin due to less oil generated on the surface of the skin, even sometimes causing eczema which is skin disorder that is often hereditary ( as in my case).
Solution: You should look for oil-based moisturizer, one that will provide your skin with the needed oils to protect your skin from losing more moisture, and become even drier. There are few things to look for when choosing the best moisturizer for your skin, and I have mentioned them all here.
3. Cold, windy conditions can suck moisture out of your skin, leaving your skin dry. Moreover, heating systems in cold months can cause more dryness to your skin and make the situation worse.
Solution: Moisturize your dry skin at least twice a day, after taking your shower immediately and before going to bed. Covering up your hands with leather gloves is good when you go outside since this will prevent moisture from evaporating from your skin leaving it very dry and itchy. Use skin care products that are rich in natural oils, natural butter and vitamin E. Think of natural butter? Perlier Imperial Honey Body Butter is a good choice!
You may also use coconut oil from Skinny & Co. or shea butter from Key West Health & Beauty.
4. Washing your skin with harsh soaps will strip the skin of its protective layer of oil, this will cause water to evaporate and, therefore, causing dryness.
Solution: Wash your dry face with soap once at night to remove all the dirt and makeup, and wash it with lack water in the morning. Try to avoid alcohol cleansers that will dry your skin. Try natural and organic cleansing fluid for dry and sensitive skin by Natura Siberica that is suitable for everyday use.
5. Using very hot water when taking a shower causes your skin to lose its protective layer of oil.
Solution: you should avoid taking a hot bath since this will make your skin drier.
6. Some medications can also cause dry skin on your face.
Solution: discuss the side effects with your doctor, and if your medication is necessary, get ready for the side effects of rich, creamy skin care products.
7. A diet that does not give you your daily dose of fatty acids will cause your skin to dry. This has a deep effect on your lipid barrier, which keeps water inside your skin and prevents it from evaporating and thus causing dryness.
Solution: A balanced diet is what you need here for healthy skin. If you love avocado, there are many avocado recipes for healthy skin.
The weather is getting colder and colder by time, and this is the right time to start dealing with your dry skin on your face! It is always better to deal with your problems before it occurs. Therefore, if you suffer from this itchy skin problem every winter, this is the right time to switch to a better dry skin regime.
Let me help you find the best moisturizer for your dry skin.
Nice post, Dima! And yes, Perlier Honey Imperial Body Butter is a good choice for dry skin. Purpose by Johnson & Johnson is a good gentle cleanser recommended by dermatologists to cleanse your face, and it’s very affordable…and hopefully available in many places worldwide. Today, it is actually very warm in New England and I’m heading out to go jogging and enjoy the good weather because I know it won’t last long! 🙂
Allison recently posted…Perlier Imperial Honey Body Butter
Thank you Allison!
I read your post about Perlier Imperial Honey body butter the day I was editing this post, and I was happy to know that I picked a good product here 🙂
Johnson & Johnson is a good choice, you are right, I used some products from this well known brand,and my skin was happy then!
Yes, you’d better enjoy the warm weather before it gets cold, enjoy your time !
Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Beautiful Skin, the Natural Way
lovely post
Its really a good post!!
one of the nice sharing for beauty tips for winter. i really appreciate your post.. surely you have a dry skin problem in the winter season. So we have needs to treat the dry skin with diet..
thanks to all…..
Thank you!
That is true, real natural beauty comes from within ! So we should make sure to have a balanced diet .
Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…Best of 2013 at Tips for Natural Beauty
Hiiii Dima Al Mahsiri !!!
i am agree with u… If we a have a balanced diet and then we don’t have need of any facial products and other beauty products..by the way post is too helpful and informative,,,thanks to share..
Well said, Mandy!
And thanks for passing by !
This is a great post that discuss the causes to dry skin and its solutions!
I personally use what we call Sorbolene cream which helps keep my skin moisturised and stops my eczema from breaking out in winter. Sorbolene is much less toxic than the Petroleum Jelly products that is commonly found in a lot of moisturisers and lotions in America.