Pregnancy and stress have been the number one reason for losing my hair. Though I try hard to eat healthy food, there were times when I had no control over my life, and I woke up with strands of my hair all over my pillow.
Sounds frustrating, but believe me, I managed to restore my damaged hair by eating healthy food, taking hair supplements, and later drinking green tea especially after I discovered the many benefits of green tea to skin and hair.

Copyright: tankist276
Therefore, if you have been suffering from hair loss, in this post, I will tell you why you should add green tea to your life, and how to use it to achieve the best results.
Do not lose hope, because you are not alone, and you do not have to hide anymore.

Copyright: grinvalds
Before I tell you how to use green tea for reducing hair loss, let us look at why it is good for your hair.
Why is Green Tea Good for Your Hair?
Not only there are so many benefits of green tea for your skin and hair, but also benefits for fat burning, and mental benefits, too.
These benefits of green tea are backed up by scientific studies that were made around the world. In a study published in the Journal of the National Medical Association, there was a significant hair regrowth during six months of treatment using polyphenolic compounds, present in noncommercially green tea.
So, you can use green tea for hair loss as it contains some of the most potent antioxidants and agents, which help strengthen your hair and these include:
- Green tea contains B vitamin (panthenol), which you usually find in hair care products (especially conditioner); it helps control split ends, softens your hair, and strengthens your hair follicles. Drinking or direct application onto your scalp will help stimulate the growth of healthy hair.
- In a study done at the Seoul National University (the Laboratory of Cutaneous Aging and Hair Research), scientists found that the green tea active component”EGCG” (or epigallocatechin gallate) caused significant hair elongation. In other words, applying green tea directly to the scalp results in a considerable elongation of the hair.
- The anti-inflammatory properties of green tea help to stop hair loss and even promote the growth of new hair. That means that you can use it to cleanse your scalp and fight scalp infections that may weaken your hair roots. Remember that a healthy scalp makes it more possible for hair to grow.
- Green tea contains DHT-blockers called “5-alpha-reductase”. Because green tea helps block DHT “Dihydrotestosterone,” it helps stop one of the leading causes of baldness. The good news is that, unlike prescriptive hair loss treatments, it has no side effects.
Bonus Tip – try DHT blocking vitamins
If you would prefer a faster, yet scientifically approved source of nutrients that promotes hair growth, then you should use DHT blocking supplements to improve your scalp circulation, block DHT and encourage hair growth.
How to Use Green Tea to Control Hair Loss?
#1 Green Tea Rinse
Wash your hair as normal, and then message cool, freshly brewed green tea into your scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes, and then rinse it out with cool water. Repeat 2 to 3 times a week for a couple of months. This rinse will stimulate your hair follicles and help prevent scalp problems like dandruff.

#2 Drinking Green Tea
Try drinking a cup of green tea for hair loss treatment on a daily basis. It may take a few months to show visible results, but once it does, I am sure you will be happy.
#3 Green Tea Recipes
I have not tried any of these yet, but many have mentioned that green tea latte, Matcha latte, green tea cookies, and green tea ice cream are a great way to boost your body’s energy and health, too.

Copyright: galichstudio
How to Prepare Delicious Green Tea
High-quality green tea requires brewing at 69 degrees Celsius (160 degrees Fahrenheit) for about 30 seconds. On the other hand, less quality may need 90 degrees Celsius (190 degrees Fahrenheit) and a longer time (2 to 3 minutes).
The following diagram, from Organic Green Tea, shows that you can prepare umami (sweet) green tea by using soft 70℃ water. The longer (or hotter water) the bitter your tea will be.

You may have noticed that green tea brewed at lower temperatures contains more Theanine; the ingredient responsible for increasing your brain’s production of dopamine to give you an alert, yet relaxed awareness [Source].
Therefore, not only your hair will benefit, but also your soul, and your whole health too will benefit from green tea. Make sure you drink organic green tea for the best results.
Now over to you.
Do you drink green tea? Have you noticed any health benefits?
I would love to hear from you!
This post should not be considered as an alternative to consulting a specialist. If you suffer from excessive hair loss, please consult your doctor.
I didn’t know that green tea had benefits to prevent or reverse hair loss! Very cool. I need to start drinking it, and hopefully now that the temperature is much cooler, I’ll find it easier to remember to drink green tea 🙂
Allison recently posted…GIVEAWAY: Cosmedica Pure Hyaluronic Acid Facial Skincare Serum
Thanks for it Allison. Yes green tea is beneficial and if you take green tea daily with pleasure remains healthy,wise and confident.
Chetana recently posted…5 Body Massage Oils And Their Benefits
Obviously Green tea is using as one of the most popular herbal agents these days. Most people infer that all the wonderful anti-oxidant effects of green tea must be good for aging and hair loss.
Emily Kristina recently posted…Men Skin vs. Women Skin: Is There Really A Difference?
its true emily thanks for you sharing your views here
Chetana recently posted…5 Body Massage Oils And Their Benefits
Can you use decaffeinated green tea will it be the same if you use it as a hair rents
Do not wash you hair each day, when you clean the hair, it is depleted of organic oils that are meant to hydrate it, you will generally get fine results if you clean your hair one day and bypass it the next.
I didn’t know green tea has these much benefits. Thanks for sharing. It has been 3 years since I suffer the problem of hair loss. I tried out all oils, hair care products, nothing could fix my hair. One of my friends said about going to a clinic for hair transplant Toronto. And yeah, I am considering a hair transplantation. I don’t think green tea could do anything more because it is just countable hairs left in my head!
If you are in early stages then changing life style might help you a lot. like
1. Daily Exercise.
2. Good diet
3. Proper sleep
4. Less Stress etc.
Usually everyone will concentrate on external care like skin creams, hair oils, shampoos etc. However our hair health will depend mostly on over all body health.
It should be proven that there in any link between drinking green tea and 5-alpha reduction .
Antioxidants are helpful for so many body processes, so interesting and anticipated that it would also help with hair growth!
I personally swear by biotin for hair growth. My husband starting taking it daily with food and we noticed a change within a week! A balanced diet is so important but it is hard to get all the nutrition that we require!
And now I’m going to make a cup of tea! Thanks for an informative article.
You are welcome, Lorrie!
Good to know that it worked for your husband 🙂
Since the month of march I m having green tea.without knowing its benefits .after reading this the most benefit for hair .it really worked so amazing ….I have a hair loss problem.
I have always have hair loss problem from last 2 years. i used every thing but didn’t know about green tea. i don’t like green tea but after reading this i will definitely add it to my diet.
hira ashraf recently posted…DIY Honey, Peach, Papaya & Apple Mask for Acne
Green tea is great for hair loss, I recommend taking Biotin tablets for better results, read how biotin improved my hair health here.
I mtrying this green tea since the month of Feb.good response.
nice Chetana. green tea has dozens of benefits. but people need to work on their diet and lifestyle as well. good job once again.
That’s absolutely true Arihant !! To get the benefits, one needs to also focus on complete body work out, proper diet, less stress have plenty of water etc. Take a diet rich in proteins and greens.
Great article! Does it matter if it is decaf green tea or not?
Hi Shaun,
The decaf processes remove some of the antioxidants, but there is no scientific proof that it reduce the benefits of green tea by a significantly. If you wish to use decaf green tea, that would be ok, you will still get the benefits of green tea.
Thanks , i hope it will help.
You are welcome!
How do u use green tea to rinse ur hair??/
Hi Carmen,
You can make a green tea rinse at home by steeping 3-4 bags of green tea in half a liter of water and using this water as the last rinse after you have shampooed and conditioned your hair with your favorite shampoo and conditioner. You can either leave it on, or rinse your hair once again. It would be good if you use this rinse twice a week for best results. And to double the effect, drink green tea, too.
Hope this helps 🙂
I tried green tea and face wash from verynutri India.
It has a nice relaxing , calming effect .
feel more energy , positive .
Good to see that it works for you, Karan!
Thanks for visiting.
after started to drink green tea i feel more alive
Where can i buy Green Tea online?
Acereju recently posted…Johnny Doe
There are a lot of websites for selling green tea. Look for online stores which sell organic green tea. Amazon carry more than 100 brands of tea, so I guess it is a good place to start 🙂
when should we take this green tea….?
after food or before food …
can we take it 3 times or more than it in a day?
I think 3-4 cups a day is fair enough. Be sure not to consume more than 5 cups.
Do i use suger whiles taking the green tea
You may add sugar if you wish to.Just keep in mind that by adding sugar you are cancelling out the weight loss benefits of green tea.
A better additive would be honey for green tea. Honey has many benefits for your health, you can read more about this here.
Useful article.Thank you so much.
hi, can a pregnant woman take this green tea thanks.
Though green tea is full of healthy antioxidants, it is a good idea to consult your doctor in this case.
I am having green tea past 1 month. But my hair fall increasing day by day. May b bcz of dandruff. I dnt knw i got lil confused. Do i drink green tea or not?
Since it’s been a month, I believe you should consult your doctor. Sometimes an inner health problem is the cause of falling hair, so you should ask your doctor about it.
Great advice – thank you. I love drinking Green Tea, especially Sencha. As the worldwide demand rises so is production which is probably not organic. Thus, it would be advisable to take a look at the origin and harvesting process to ensure a high Quality tea.
On top of drinking coffee, one should also avoid coffee, sugar, nicotine, or alcohol, though beer is a classic in Germany for beautiful hair.
Thanks for your posting.
going now to drink green tea .thksss
You are welcome, Smith!
Love this article been using minoxidil for my hair loss just a few weeks now and the iching is unbearable and I’m realizing I’m loosing more hair now because of the iching. I’m wondering if I should try the green tea raise would it stop the iching? And can I do both green tea and biotin
Sorry to hear that your hair is falling.
So far, when using green tea in a reasonable manner, it has no side effects, unlike most medications. Yes, you can use both green tea and biotin.
Good luck!
thank you so much. Am an africian americian woman and I’m only 30 yrs old so I will do anything to get my hair back.
Im trying onion juice and i think its helping
Grind a fresh red onion squueze in a chopper ,the juice using a sieve apply on scalp using a small cotton ball on the scalp . Leave for 1-2 hours and wash w mild herbal shampoo.
Do at least twice a week , there are so many you tube videos on this.
Thank you, Kitty!
I would try this out one day for sure!
Great share! Helpful one. Thanks for sharing!!
I’m 25 years old and my hair start falling few years ago. I got say, there is very few day that goes by that I don’t obsess with my hair loss.
I start drinking more water and god knows it helped me in so many ways. I also start drinking tea with nettle, dandellion, peppermint and other herbs. My doctor told me that instead of using chemical way I could try natural stuff. Since I start getting more hydrate, drinking tea and watching my diet I REALLY feel a diffence.
So for all the girls who goes through hair loss, BELIEVE me, a good diet, water and appropriate herbs can help a lotttttttt.
I buy my tea from but I think that you can probably looked at the ingredient and try to reply their formula if you have access at good quity herbs.
Eat and drink Natural 🙂
Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your story!
You are 100% correct about good diet and plenty of water for naturally beautiful hair. Becuase beauty comes from within, all treatments won’t work unless you eat healthy balanced food, not to mention water effect on all your body. I should add that some supplements may also help.
I didn´t know Green tea contains DHT-blockers, thanks for sharing this information!
You are welcome!
hmmmm I just didn’t know about that green tea hepls to reduce hair fall I m taking green tea and it’s been month well however I m realizing much better
and I’m sure it works 🙂
To get the full benefits, one needs to also focus on complete body work out, proper diet, less stress have plenty of water etc.
I haven’t heard of using green tea in order to help with hair loss. If my grandfather could get this to work for him he would be very happy. He is starting to loose a lot of hair quickly.
Thanks for the tips
You are welcome, Nazia!
Surprised to hear this am a tea drinker and always had hair loss issues. I guest I’ll be adding green tea to my collection.
If it truly contains DHT blockers then by any means it should work! I would love for a cream or topical solution, as I’m not really a tea guy. Also Argan oil and Aloe gel are great for hair loss too.
Hair loss due to DHT is usually accompanied with greasy hair. Green tea is a great anti-fungus reducing considerably the amount of fungus in the scalp, ti will reduce the excess of oil caused by the fungus and it can fight dandruff too.
Use it topically. If you suffer from dandruff and itchy scalp you may notice result from the first application.
When it comes to drinking green tea, reseaches are still needed to confirm its power to fight hair loss due to DHT. Some men have reported increase in hair loss after drinking green tea. Some studies also suggest increase in DHT.
If you have doubts, topical green tea is the safest step to take and you can see result very soon.
Thank you, Menta, for sharing valuable information!
I think that as long as you avoid as many chemicals as possible on the outside and the inside, then you will end up living a more healthy life overall – not just stopping hair loss.
Pregnancy time is so hard for every women, mother is too great!!
May be use hair extensions is a great choose to prevent hair loss.
I have been using green tea because I have actinitis keratosis (pre-cancerous lesions on my scalp), which is because of all the time spent outside as a child and also working construction. It has eliminated the A.K. lesions and I’ve noticed a reduced incidence of hair loss. I steep a cup of green tea, cool it off, put in a water bottle, the type used when biking that has a lift up spout. I wash my hair and then pour it on my head. I don’t rinse it off. I leave it on and towel it dry.
hi Rocky…my name is gia. I would like to ask you if leaving the green tea on your scalp is working for you?? because i havent have good results so far.
my best regards.
I have avoid using shampoo for 10 days now and my hair have been even fuller and healthier. I just using tamarind and extract of rambutan leaves to clean my hair. Now I have learn on using green tea so I will start using it to condition my hair. Good share, love it.
its been 2 days aplying green tea direct to my scalp..& notice more hair is falling…is it normal?
I am not sure, Gia.
Have you ever consulted a doctor, maybe you need a medical advice? Green tea can be a great solution for hair fall, still any medical issue should be resolved first.
Its been awhile I have been experiencing hair loss and this concerns me so much. Glad I have found your tips. Thank you!
Wow… never imagined that green tea could do all this. I’ll start taking today. Thanks for the post
Great article on using green tea against hairloss. I wonder whether it might be more effective to soak a towel in the green tea and keep that soaked towel on your head for a longer period of time so that the liquid can penetrate the scalp better. Have you tried this or do you have any idea whether it would make a difference? Thanks!
I have never tried that before, but I think I will!
I think this could help treat scalp problems faster than a rinse.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Can green tea reverse the hereditary hair loss? Is there chance of hair regrowth?
Genetic hair loss could be the hardest to deal with. I am not a specialist, so I can’t answer your question precisely, but I believe green tea and oiling your hair could stimulate the growth of new hair.
I hope this one’s effective. Must try! Great Article! Thanks for the Tips!
Green tea is not only used for loosing extra pounds, preventing tooth-decay but it also helps to prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.
This is great! Such helpful information and a very detailed make this post superb! These all home remedies are very useful and so unique. In this world 40% and up of men and women are suffering from hair loss problems and it is so difficult to not be tempted by the ads online that swear up and down your hair will begin to grow. I love natural and clean home remedies- at the worst, if it doesn’t work, then at least your hair is not affected! Thanks for sharing the awesome post!
Thank you, larissa!
Thanks for sharing. I found that oils are really important to my hair. Actually, in the past, my hair was very weak and easy to loss. However, when I found some essential oils, the problem improved a lot.
I did not know that green tea has benefits to prevent hair loss! Very cool. I’ll start drinking. Great article! We must share.
I’d like to lknollw if instant green tea bags also poses the same benefits as brewed green tea like hair growth
Hi Meir,
Any high-quality green tea can do the magic!
Just make sure it is organic and well packed.
That’s awesome, i really don’t know about the green tea benefits. I’m facing hair loss problem last few months but thanks for this great share..
Thanks for sharing this .
You are welcome, Deepshikha!
I didn’t know this! Now, I know what to do with my falling here. Green tea, it is! Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome!
Can you brew a batch of green tea then freeze it or refrigerate the tea to use as a tea rinse for a later time? Will preparing the tea days ahead of time change the effectiveness of the tea for shedding? I know if I make a batch to last a week or so I will be more prone to use the rinse vs. brewing it and waiting for it to cool every time I want to wash my hair or refresh a wash and go. Thank you
Hi Leora,
I understand that it would be easier for you to prepare it in advance, but remember that green tea starts to lose its benefits once you brew it. So if you have to prepare it in advance, I do recommend storing it in a dark glass container to preserve the benefits of green tea for as long as possible. Sealed container in the fridge will keep your tea good for maybe 3-4 days, I can’t be sure for how long, but this is what I normally do.
When I drink green tea I get excessive hair loss. When I stop drinking it, hair loss also stops. But when I drink green tea, my belly gets slim*. But I am worried about the hair loss when I start to drink green tea. Please give me your suggestion.
Hi Jane,
I am sorry, I can’t tell the reason why green tea causes hair loss in your case. I would suggest that you consult a doctor.
What are biotin tablets are they available in local market?
You can find them over the counter in most pharmacies, but I do recommend consulting your doctor.
I will definitely try green tea, is it working with all types of tea or just green tea?
Will drinking the tea work just as well instead of putting it on my hair ?
Either drinking green tea or applying to your hair will benefit it, but doing both will be better, as long as you do not have a health issue that is causing hair fall.
I have been drinking green tea for a month plus now and i noticed that my hair is getting stronger and fewer hair loss.Plus, I don’t mind watching the weighing scales go down also.:).i am gulping down 2-3 cups a day now.I got to try using it on my hair and see whether it helps.Hope to hear from others.
Glad it works for you, Pinkie!
Thanks for sharing your story.
Interesting, coming from the nature and can save money and hair!
I love to see that nature can help us with almost everything, green tea is not onl delicious but can help with hair grow! great!
Your B vitamin and green tea tip is an informative one. It will be surprising to many to learn that this vitamin is a regular ingredient in hair conditioner.
I am really facing this and I hope this one will work to stop hair loss I will try it for sure. Great Article! Thanks for the Tips!
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I am using great tea last three weeks. I cannot believe my eyes. It has a great result- Hair fall stopped. Now, I am happy.
WOw! i never knew the miracles of green tea. Thanks for sharing such an amazing informative post. I love to read the blogs which are related to our health and beauty. However, I an going to have green tea daily. Great work!
I been drinking green tea for years. Overall I have had great benefits from drinking green tea. I have sinus trouble and it is good for that. I do not stay congested as much. I have energy. I think clearly. I like tea any way.I am speaking for myself and my experience with green tea. May people’s might not get the benefits I get out of green tea. G.L.
I really appreciate the insight here in this post and confident it’s going to be helpful to me and many others. Thanks for sharing all the information and useful tips.
Very good this article! A healthy diet accompanied by a green tea … improves not only the capillary part but also the whole immune system of the individual.
Clearly Green tea is utilizing as a student amongst the most prominent home grown operators nowadays. A great many people gather that all the superb cell reinforcement impacts of green tea must be useful for maturing and balding.
I’m sat down having a green tea and reading all the benefits on green tea which I’m amazed to no as I have just being diagnosed with high blood pressure I just like to say my son in law drinks green tea and nothing else so I will be doing the same now iv read the benefits of it and guess what I will definitely trying out the hair one thank you so much in such good information
Hi Julie,
I am sorry to know that you were diagnosed with high blood pressure. But I am glad that you are drinking green tea, which has amazing health benefits.
You are welcome, glad that you found my post helpful!
Does it matter which green tea you drink? I know there’s green tea with caffeine and there’s green tea without it? Which one is better for hair growth?
Organic green tea is the best!
Thank you, does it matter if it is caffeine or no caffeine in it?
There are no guarantees that caffeinated tea is better, though some studies do suggest that caffeinated tea is better for stimulating hair growth in the scalp.
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Hi, um i am a 17 year old girl in my junior year of highschool and ive heard green tea helps, but i wasnt sure if it’d work. I have bad dandruff at the moment due to allergies and lots of stress which after a while i started to notice that the hair ontop of my head is thinning quite a bit. im making sure to stay hydrates and i’ve started eating salads with chicken and apples almost everyday. Any recommendations??
Hi Yuma,
You mentioned that you have an allergy, so I would suggest that you consult your doctor for diagnosing your skin condition and giving the best cure.
nice sharing i like it kepp it up
very interesting.. .im used to have vitamins daily basis
Nice article. I bought a little glass spray bottle to spray it on instead of attempt to rinse it through my shorter man hair. Do you have to rinse it off or can you just leave it on? If I drop a few drops of lavender oil in the spray bottle can I use that for 2-3 days or does it have to be fresh brewed each time? I thought I could just spray it on my hair when I go, I usually use shea butter or argan oil daily with some rosemary oil.
Thank you, Carmelo,
Using a spray would be a good idea!
It would be better to rinse green tea off your hair, otherwise, your hair will lose volume and stick to your head.
I have not tried adding essential oils to my hair treatment, so I am not sure if you can benefit from adding it to green tea rinse.
I started brewing 32oz of green tea a day and went to 64oz a day. I was doing it for weight loss but i noticed I had to trim my finger nails every 3 days and my hair grew a little over an inch in a month! In two months my hair grew three inches longer!
Green tea can be beneficial in our daily lives. From our body to basic need. I tried to use this in my hair. It works for me well. Plus I never skip in drinking much of water.
Good for you, Lorraine!
I used few things from your list and the tips you mentioned here is really effective. I am eagerly waiting for your next article.
I heard this news from one of my friend, so search over the web when I’ve got your blog. Thanks for sharing this one.
Great article! Green tea is also great for losing weight
This is a fantastic post.
cool I never heard that green tea also reduce hair fall.
wow i never knew green tea can also reduce hair fall. i keep drinking tea and always think its a goodthing. thank you
Wow….this is amazing. It is going to help me a lot. Thanks a lot for sharing such tips.
I will definitely try this! thank you for sharing!
Great post! I never knew this would make sense. I suffer form falling hair and I hope this would work well for me. Thank you for sharing!
Hi i am from India and i am suffering fro hair loss since past few months due to stress and dht. I was really worried about my looks and health so instead of hair supplements i gave a try to green tea, so i started drinking 1 cup of green tea on daily basis i add a lemon to my green tea. It has been 1 month now and i am happy with the results, my hair looks stronger now and my hair fall is decreasing significantly. Apart from green tea i changed my life style too i started getting up 5:30 in morning and going outside for running or doing some exercise. Now i have searched and made diet plan for myself which includes all essential minerals that are necessary for good hair growth. I will update again after six months.
Hi Vipul,
Thank you for sharing your story!
I am glad that green tea was helpful. Will be waiting for the update!
I’m a man who’s hair is disappearing at a rate of knots, so finding something like this is quite handy, now I also have a beard and was wondering whether you thought that this would work to thicken and remove beard dandruff?
Thank you a lot for your tips. Hope this works the same for male baldness. I’ll try for sure. What material should teapot be of? Thank you in advance 🙂
u said apply green tea for 10 minutes on hair but I apply it overnight. Is that bad
No, as long as it does not harm your hair.
I have just started spritzing my hair and scalp with green tea matcha powder mixed into Aloe Vera juice. It helps to detangle and soften my tresses! I’m sure there are more benefits to this regimine that I have yet to discover!
I am a male and I have a question can I take the biotin and vibrance healthy hair from eu natural? Because all I see women taking those supplants .
Yes, sure you can.
I am also suffering a lot regarding my hair loss. I tried varieties home remedies but nothing happened. I think i should try green tea.thanks for sharing.
So would you suggest that i make sweet green tea, by keeping the water at 70 degress c or do i need the caffeine content, by making bitter tea to benefit my hair?
Because caffeine blocks dht.
Great post by the way. I learnt to make green tea the correct way from you.
Thank you!
Studies about the benefits of caffeinated tea for hair are not clear, still, some studies would suggest using caffeinated tea.
I have got itchy boils all over my scalp which sometimes are painful when become big. I have tremendous hair loss since 4 yrs medications only help till I continue taking them n the problem returns. I have lost all my hair now only 10% hair left. Plz help
Will green tea solve my problem. My tea pkt has no instructions abt time of brewing what shud I do?
Hi Nikki,
I am sorry to know that you have a problem with your hair.
I suggest that you seek help from a dermatologist, green tea is great for restoring your hair’s health, it could be a good solution for minor problems like dandruff, but if you have an issue of your scalp, you need to cure it first.
I am sorry I was not helpful.
Very nice post, actually I know that green tea is beneficial for hairs but I really don’t know that green tea is that much good for hairs. Thanks for providing such awesome information.
Have been drinking green tea for 2 months. Have noticed hair growth in bald spot. Had previously used something similar to what’s in rogaine. Hair keeps falling out. The tea is cheaper and no side effects. Will keep monitoring hair growth.
I have just started using green tea. plz suggest best way to get result at earliest
I was drinking green tea every day for a year – right after I took my vitamins and ate my breakfast. That was when I noticed that my hair was thinning. Unless you search for negative affects of green tea, you never hear that the tannins block iron absorption, which can be a cause of hair loss. Drink the tea one hour before you eat or two hours after.
Thank you for your comment.
It is recommended that ALL types of tea be served one hour (at least) before or after a meal, as to avoid blocking iron absorption as you mentioned. Still, consuming green tea between meals is good for your overall health, and particularly your skin and hair.
Hi Dima, You have done a great thing. this article is very informative. I have also written an article about how to stop hair loss naturally . But i did not write with full description like you . here is my article .
Good Article, I have gone through your article and its describe every possible thing about to control hair loss. I have facing same problem and tried many home remedies but all the remedies are time consuming and useless. I will try green tea for sure to control hair loss. Thanks!!!
I never knew that applying green tea can be good for my hair. I love the idea that I can retain hair growth in six months. In any case that this does not work for me, we will need help from expert Prp Hair Therapy Services to assist us with my hair loss.
I have used green tea before and it worked for me
These home remedies work really well and also they are free from side effects.
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This makes me want to try using green tea for my hair. So many great benefits. Thanks for this!
It’s good to know that you were able to restore your healthy hair by having better food choices and consuming hair supplements. Unfortunately, in my case, I think that I can’t go against genetics as almost everyone in the family suffers from early hair loss as well. Maybe I should explore other treatment options such as hair restoration with PRP and see if it would work for me.
Nice Blog! Thanks for sharing the information. Green tea is really beneficial for skin and health. It not only helps for reducing hair loss but also helps in lashes and hair growth.
Herbal Green tea really proven to be a magical potion for me as it cured the problem of my hair loss , I’ve been drinking it since a very long time . By the way nice and very informative article.